What is this site about?
This is the site to find information about the family and interests of the site creator Paul. You are welcome to visit, look around and even leave a message in the Contact Us section. Every so often the pages will change in appearance as the author tries out new software or tools that become available. The whole site functions with open source software that is freely available.
The pages of this site will look best when viewed using a browser that complies with recognised international web standards.
For whom is the site intended?
This site is for family and friends of the Thomas'. It is mainly used for sharing photographs and details of family ancestry, but other ramblings and blogs may appear from time to time, but do not expect regular updates.
Who is this dude?
There are a few Paul Thomas' in the world, some more famous (infamous?) than others. Here is a mugshot of this website creator so that he cannot be confused with any of the other Paul Thomas' out there. He lives in Rogers City the North Eastern part of the Lower peninsula of Michigan. This is the Harbour webcam of Rogers City.